

Pavimento in cotto fatto a mano - Fornace Polirone - Stonalizzazione
For cooking tiles and bricks, until the end of 19th century, ovens with rooms were used, having the sources of ignition in the lower section of the furnace.
The stacking of the material was always made vertically, putting the tiles (or bricks) one on another until the cooking chamber of the oven was full. The fire produced by the source of ignition (placed in the lower section of the kiln) licked the material and, depending on the loading density, it produced areas where the cooking was done in a reducing atmosphere (oxygen-poor) or oxidizing one (oxygen-rich). These non homogeneous conditions caused different shades ("stonalizzazione") of the various pieces cooked. This chromatic variation which characterized the old artifacts was the hallmark of the wood cooking.
Fornace Polirone offers, through a new special technique, this type of tile for the recovery of monuments, churches and historic buildings.

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Floors made bit by bit according the unchanged rules of mixing, moulding and baking in a Hoffman oven.
Passionate research and careful study allow to Fornace Polirone to make repairs and reconstructions of ancient and historical floorings.
Fornace Polirone di Cappelli, Pasqualini e C. S.n.c.
via Fornace, 6/8 - 46034 Borgoforte di Borgo Virgilio (MN)
Tel. 0376.648612 - Fax. 0376.648677
Partita IVA 01296720202

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