

Pavimento in cotto fatto a mano - Fornace Polirone - Impasto Omogeneo
 The terracotta floors of Fornace Polirone are produced manually by following the ancient methods of shaping into wooden molds.
This type of mixture is made of the same clay of knotted ( or "nocciolato ) floor, but is made much more homogeneous through the use of kneading machines.
This type of mixture can be shaped only manually.
This processing reduces internal blowholes and lumps.
With appropriate mixtures of clays we get shades of colors ranging from straw-yellow to pink to deep red.
The combination of different sizes and colors produces a wide range of compositions and frames, which allow you to trace designs as original as astonishing.

Cenni storici

Historically the floor with uniform mixture has never existed because the clay was traditionally worked with hand tools, making impossible the homogeneity of mixture.

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Floors made bit by bit according the unchanged rules of mixing, moulding and baking in a Hoffman oven.
Passionate research and careful study allow to Fornace Polirone to make repairs and reconstructions of ancient and historical floorings.
Fornace Polirone di Cappelli, Pasqualini e C. S.n.c.
via Fornace, 6/8 - 46034 Borgoforte di Borgo Virgilio (MN)
Tel. 0376.648612 - Fax. 0376.648677
Partita IVA 01296720202

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